Blueberry Farming an Introduction!!

Recently the sweetly flavored blueberry has gained a reputation as a ‘super food’ thanks to widespread recognition of the fruit’s health benefits also in India. Blueberries are full of antitoxins, including large quantities of vitamin C, making this a fruit crop that’s well worth investing. Unlike other common fruits.

Blueberries love an acidic soil but if you can’t provide this they also grow in containers or raised beds, where the soil conditions is correct for this productive plant to thrive. Blueberries grow up to 2m tall and almost as wide but there are also smaller varieties available, which mean anyone can try these tasty berries no matter how small their plantation area.

In late spring the bushes start to flower scented flowers and then berries which starts from green changing to dusty blue color. In autumn the leaves take on a brilliant red color before dropping, and throughout the winter young stems give out an orange-red color. Most varieties have a growing habit that tends towards upright, freeing up space beneath bushes for planting other acid-loving fruits such as cranberries and lingonberries.

After a year new bushes will be approaching a very good yield, making you considerable sums of money.No , other plants combine good looks with such an abundance of fruit.

(to be continued...........)

Blueberries have successfully started growing in India with correct cultivation practice. I am extremely happy with this. Within 2-4 years the majority of these plants will have 4 to 6 stems 1 meter and taller with many fruits.These plants are a great indication for the future of the berry industry.

Below are the plants that have started fruiting and comments are given for improvement.

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This plant is small. It would be best to remove 100% of the fruits to let the plant grow stronger roots and vegetative growth. Misty produces fruit too early in age, very typical.

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Remove all fruit that is developed at the base of the plant

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Beautiful berries

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If vegetative basal growth appears during and after fruiting, cut the fruiting branch back below the first developed fruit after the fruits are harvested.

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This is a tall plant. Remove only the older growth at the base of the plant and prune any weak growth along the stem.

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The plant is small. Remove all fruits that are growing on the lower portion of the plants. This will be approximately 50% removal of total fruit from what I can observe.

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Remove basal growth and 50% of the fruit and flowers starting at the base.

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There are too many fruit for this small plant. Remove 50% of the fruit beginning at the base of the plant. Prune horizontal growth and short basal growth.
