Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)


  1. P

    VAM Fungi (Arbuscular Mycorrhiza), Suitable for tree plants

    We can supply Vermiculated AM Fungi (Arbuscular Mycorrhiza), which is cultivated and grown in our land for our plants such as teak, red sandal, sandal plant and sandal nursery. We can provide you the same AM Fungi for you. AM Fungi is very good bio fertilizer for tree plants such as Teak,Red...
  2. B

    BIorem"s bacterial soil conditioner for guarnateed improved growth

    Hi, SOIL BOOST- synergistic cocktail of soil bacteria to help growth and protect rootzone . Useful for all soils and all type of crops / trees. Tested even in alkaline soils ,Growth and higher yields guaranteed else money back, Dealership enquiries are solicited. SOIL BOOST is 100% organic...
  3. S


    Manufacturer of good qulaity of biocontrol agents and biofertilizers of both solid and liquid based products (Azospirillum, Rhizobium, VAM, PGPR, plant growth inducing microbes, Potash and zinc solubilizers, Trichoderma, Pseudomonas, Bevaria, Pacelliomyces, humic acid) for sale. I can supply any...