ongole cows

  1. K

    Ongole Cattle for sale

    Hello All, We have very finest quality of pure breeds of Ongole cattle with different age range. We offer cows, heifers and bulls. We are located in Chennai , Tamilnadu in India. If interested pelase contact us
  2. S

    Need cross breed desi cows

    Want to buy 5 to 7 environmentally suitable, cross breeded desi cows for milk production. Interested on ongole breed crossed with jersy/other popular breeds. Kindly suggest me the best souce to find the required breeds. Thanks, Ram
  3. S

    Suggest the right place for genuine animals (cows)

    Hi All, I am interested on small dairy farm with 6 to 10 cows to start-up. But, the cows must be cross breeded with (desi) Ongole vereity! Kindly let me know the economics & technical feasibility to start this venture. Thanks, Ram