Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

flexible water storage

  1. S

    Wanted Dealers For Flexible Water Storage Tanks

    My Company Dutch Water Solutions India offers best opportunity to become our Flexible Water Storage tanks dealers products state wise all over India. No matter if You are an: Individual OR Company/Organization. Become a part of one of the World's Most Trusted Water Solutions...
  2. D

    Flexible water storage systems from Genap B.V.- Holland

    These water storage systems are with the following advantages: 1 ) Ease of Installation (1 expert from our side and 2 helpers can install the tank of 50,000 Liters to 750,000 Liters) 2) Speed of deployment (Can be setup in 2-3 days on site) 3) Contamination control against algae and foreign...