Search results

  1. S

    Land Required Required agriculture land on rent or lease for Integrated organic farming.

    Hi I have 10 acres land for lease very near to Hyderabad with 2 borewell full water with good road approach for more information please contact .
  2. S

    Land Required Need agriculture land for lease

    We having 10 to 15 acres land for lease very near to Hyderabad with borewells for more information please contact .
  3. S

    Required Contract Farming Companies of Medicinal Plants and Fruits

    I have 10 acres land near to Hyderabad, with borewell for more information, please contact.
  4. S

    Wanted Farm Land in Telangana State between 4 to 5 Lakhs per Acre required

    For farm house requirement plz call me 9542452723 at shankerpally surrounding
  5. S

    Wanted Wanted Land anywhere between 1 acre to 12 acres.

    Hello sir, we have agricultural land of 10 acres of land with mango garden with poly house and with borewell from Hyderabad it will be 60 kms ,if u r interested contract me
  6. S

    Wanted 1 Acre of land in and around Hyderabad.

    Sir, at janwada village very near to financial Dist I.e 8 kms having the for farm house land if u r interested contract me 9542452723
  7. S

    Wanted Wanted land near Hyderabad.

    At janwada village very near to financial Dist 9 .16 gutus for sale if u r interested in any of the above contract me 9542452723
  8. S

    Wanted Wanted land near Hyderabad.

    At shankerpally 6 acres 20 gutus for sales it's under free zone
  9. S

    Wanted Wanted land near Hyderabad.

    Sir,at tagatoor village having the 10 acres of land it's very near to Mokila village from financial Dist it will be 20 kms
  10. S

    Wanted Wanted around 50 acers of agriculture land with good ground water in Hyderabad.

    30 acres of land having at alluoor village it very near to chevalla madal it's cost is 8 lakhs ( negotiable) if u r interested contract me 9542452723
  11. S

    Wanted Wanted ,land for development

    Wanted, land for development in and around Hyderabad which should under residence zone contract 9542452723
  12. S

    Wanted Wanted 5 acers agricultural land near Hyderabad.

    From Hyderabad to alluoor village it may be 60 kms having the 30 acres of land it's price is 7 .5 lakhs per acres ,if ur interested contract me 9542452723
  13. S

    Wanted Looking for 4 to 5 acres of land within 70 kms of Bangalore and max 12-14 laks per acre

    Sir,if u interested to buy the lands in surrounding Hyderabad ,u will get good return on investment ,all types of lands is there ,for cultivation,farm house,residential zone ,industries zones lands available ,if u r interested contract me 9542452723
  14. S

    Wanted Buy Agriculture Low Cost 10 Acres Land in Hyderabad.

    Sir,at maynagudam village having the land of 25 acres of land with water under cultivation from Hyderabad it will be 50 kms if u r interested contract me 9542452723
  15. S

    Wanted Buy Agriculture Low Cost 10 Acres Land in Hyderabad.

    Sir, at tagatoor village besides Mokila village having the 10 acres of land just 27 kms from financial Dist, if u interested contract me 9542452724
  16. S

    Wanted Deleted

    S Sir, having the 25 acres of land with water at manayguda village from Hyderabad it will 47 kms , price per acres is 7 lakhs ,if u r interested contract me 9542452723
