Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

Recent content by kvantum

  1. K

    Capsicum cultivation under shade

    Consultancy Offered Dear Chethan, We can offer consultancy services to you in establishment of polyhouse. Please let me know the desired services.
  2. K

    Consultancy Services Offered in Bihar

    Hi, we are a turnkey project specialist and would like to take up projects in Bihar in HOrticulture Sector. Interested people may contact
  3. K

    wanted farmers for stevia cultivation under buy back

    looking for turmeric planting material i am looking for turmeric planting material for 20 acres. please let me know the variety along with technical features. Requirement for varanasi.
  4. K

    wanted farmers for stevia cultivation under buy back

    Turmeric Planting Material I am looking for turmeric planting material of 20 acres. please let me know the quote and variety along with technical feature. Requirement is for Varanasi area.