Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

Recent content by 99thfloor

  1. 9

    Sale of Nursery Plants of Red and Yellow Capscicum ( Cygenta Seeds ) @ 5/-

    And any vegetable plants at the reasonable price with the free transport in and around mysore. Thanks, Girish
  2. 9

    Banana Bunch Cover bags Required

    I have started planting yelakki banana in my farm land inside coconut plantation. I was wondering why woud banana grower need these bunch cover ? Thanks in advance.
  3. 9

    Bannur sheep

    What is the cost of each ? and where is it located ? I am from Mysore.
  4. 9

    wanted cow milk

    We can supply 100-150 litres @ 25/- daily. We are located in Hunsur.
  5. 9

    wanted gliricidia sepium sticks...

    Can anybody supply glircidia sepium sticks of about a metre length for live fencing in our farm.
  6. 9

    Cow Mats 6 feet x 4 feet x 18 mm

    We are working on the cow barn renovation. Can you share the details to my mail_id asap.
  7. 9

    150 Tons Color Capsicum Production in 1 Acre

    Please share the project details with the breakup and also the consultation fees. Thanks in advance.