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Now a days, Insect pest control has become serious issue for the farmers because of resistance to chemicals and lack of knowledge regarding which chemical to be used for particular pests. Irrespective use of chemicals also causing irreversible effects to living beings.

In this way, pheromone traps play an important role where this is both cultural and biological method of pest monitor and pest control. Pheromone traps are very good tools to be incorporated in integrated pest management and sustainable agriculture.

Pheromone are the chemicals released by insect for their communication with another fellow mate. Insect send these chemical signals to attract mates, warn other of predating insects or to find food.

Using of specific pheromone along with lure is very important for monitoring and control oftargeted pests in agriculture.

Pheromone traps can be used in different ways:

and monitoring of pests: Use of pheromone traps for identifying the particular insect and counting on them to take further control by using other methods.

Mass trapping and disruption: Use of pheromone traps for controlling the pest by mass trapping of them (usually male insect) continuously and reducing the count, thus preventing mating and multiplication of the insect.


Although more commonly used in horticulture, pheromone lures are currently commercially available for several pest species that can occur in broadacre crops, including Helicoverpa armigera, Helicoverpa punctigera, fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda), diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella), cluster caterpillar (Spodoptera litura), and green mirids (Creontiades dilutes).

Tips to remember if using pheromone traps:

  • Each pheromone is designed for a specific insect. No trap will be effective for all insects.
  • Some pheromones may be lower risk than conventional pesticides.
  • Lures need to be replaced often to better trap new insects.
  • Pheromone traps attract pests. Do not place them in high traffic areas near people or gardens, especially for wasps, hornets, or crop-damaging insects.
  • Traps can be affected by weather events, check them after storms to see if they need repair or replacement.
  • Keep traps out of reach of children and pets.
  • Wash your hands after using pheromones, as pests may follow you if you smell like one of their own.
  • Don't use outdoor products indoors. Always follow the label about how and where to use the product.
For further details contact,

Ms. B.sowmiya - B.Sc., (Hons) Agriculture and Dr. B. Guna , Associate Professor(Agrl. Extension ). Nalanda College of Agriculture, M.R. Palayam, Tiruchirapalli.

Email : Phone number :9944641459.

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